Where land and sea make beauty, this IS Antigua.

This site is to provide a gathering point to distribute information to conserve and preserve our national asset.

Let us keep our beaches, coasts and waters clean and healthy.


Footprints in the sand...

So there is this expression of our "ecological footprint" that we leave on the ecological system (nature) that gives us our "life services".

Nature designed a pretty perfect system for the sustenance of life, in all its varied forms, humans included. What is becoming clear in the world discussion and research shows more conclusively that many of our individual actions effect us all negatively due to the ecological disturbance. Individually we fail to see the potential impact in every day life.

Much work is being done to research this quantitative application, to better understand the cumulative affect of many minute impacts repeated billions of times creating significant affects and impacts will become evident.

At least watch the first 5 minutes, a very crucial over view of some of the shifts needed for sustainability.Will give you a clear understanding of this concept.
The modern metric of progress today is financial, dollars and cents, with accounting for varied environmental impacts only recently becoming a practice in development financing, the ecosystem is priceless, making for quantification difficult. Hence the development of the "footprint" concept, quantifying the overall individual impact, with the aim of being able to quantify an elusive value measurement that can be related to.Referred to as "resource accounting"

It is suggested that we have gone beyond earths "bio-capacity" to provide for the billions of us that reside on this spinning blue ball. By developing this metric of the "footprint concept" can provide a valuable tool for quality planning in a reduced resource access world. This also clearly reinforces the demand to be able to recycle material to a primary resources.

We live in an age of amazing technical abilities, with a wide array of known and proven technologies that will assist in us making sustainability a reality. We must however be prepared to make adoptions to provisions of goods and services. It is possible, it requires the majority to know that adoptions must be made and play an active role in driving the appropriate and considered options available.

Nature its self is a number of integrated and related cycles, our understanding of these cycles will provide a vital tool towards real sustainable development.

Our designers who adopt the progressive concept of "cradle to cradle" design can provide essential products, tools and infrastructure to assist the sustainability of our future.

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